angle n. 【英史】盎格鲁人〔cf. Angles〕。 angle1 n. 1.角,隅,角落;棱,嬗角。 2.【数学】角,角位,角的度数。 3.【机械工程】角铁。 4.见地,观点。 5.(事物的)方面,角度。 6.〔口语〕隐蔽的个人动机;诡计。 7.〔口语〕(新闻报导的)偏见,歪曲。 an auxiliary [subsidiary, supplementary] angle 补角。 an external [exterior] angle 外角。 an internal [interior] angle 内角。 an obtuse angle 钝角。 a vertical angle 对顶角。 a right angle 直角。 a straight angle 平角。 an optical [a visual] angle 视角;【矿物】光轴角。 angle of attack 【航空】气压角,迎角。 angle of bank [roll] 【航空】转角。 meet at right angles 相交成直角。 take the angle 测角度。 view from various angles 由各方面观察。 vt. 1.使(摄影机等)偏成[转向]某一角度。 2.使(新闻报导等)带上色彩[倾向性]。 She angled her column of chitchat towards teen-agers. 她的闲话专栏着眼于青少年。 angle one's camara (摄影时)对角度。 angle a report 使报告搀杂偏见。 vi. 1.转变角度;突然朝某方向转去。 2.以一个角度移动。 n. 〔古语〕钓钩;钓具。 a brother of the angle 钓鱼者。 vi. 1.钓鱼。 2.〔美俚〕钓(誉),贪图,图谋。 angle for carp 钓鲤鱼。 angle for praise 沽名钓誉。 vt. 在…钓鱼。
The third part the staying of diverse angle reading 第三部分多元解读的方法探究。
Therefore , hope the workers for chinese education to make more exploring in the aspect of diverse angle reading in order to open a new place for the reading teaching of middle school chinese 因此,期待语文教育工作者在文学作品的多元解读方面做出更多的探索,为中学语文的阅读教学打开一个崭新的天地。
The reading of diverse angles of literature works needs relaxing culture surrounding and the feasibility of diverse angle reading of literature works needs to be elaborated from the diversification of literature criticism and the course standards of middle school chinese 对文学作品的多元解读,需要外在宽松的文化环境,从文学批评多元化、中学语文课程标准两方面阐述文学作品多元解读的可行性。
The concluding words further elaborates that the diverse angle reading not only benefits for the whole improvement of chinese quality of students but also benefits for the overall training of the perfection of students " personality from the angle of the need of epoch and the culture trait of chinese subject 结语从时代需要与语文学科的文化性特点的角度,进一步阐述对文学作品的多元解读有利于学生语文素质的整体提高,有利于学生完善个性的全面培养。
The second part is the realistic basis of reading of diverse angles . it is an endless reading procession to the reading of the rich implication of literature works . this essay treatises the necessary of diverse angle reading of literature works in chinese teaching from multi meaning and personality of literature texts 对文学作品丰富意蕴的解读,是一个永无止境的阅读过程,从文学文本的多义性、个性化解读两方面论述在语文教学中对文学作品多元解读的必然性。
Based on the basic purpose of the reading teaching of middle school chinese and the different situation of knowledge structure of middle school students , the article elaborates respectively the methods of diverse angle reading to literature works from the four aspects of words explanation , image combination , person character and topic implication to realize the purpose of understand the works implication with diverse vision , diverse angle and diverse level of structure 结合中学语文阅读教学的基本目的,根据中学生参差不齐的知识结构现状,从语词阐释、意象组合、人物性格、主题意蕴四个方面分别阐说了对文学作品进行多元解读的方法,以达到多视野、多角度、多层次理解作品内涵的目的。